Get Ready for the Digital Switchover!

Have you been wondering about the ‘Digital Switchover’?

Supporting Communities is working with BT to help inform residents about what’s happening and what help is available to anyone who needs it. We’re running a series of events at libraries all over the country where everyone can join us to get information, ask questions, and prepare for the change.

What is it?

The UK’s home phone (landline) service is getting an upgrade. The transition has already started and will continue over the next few years. Soon, most landline calls will be made over a broadband line. The switchover should be straightforward. Your phone number will remain the same, and most handsets work fine with the new system. However, there are some steps you need to take to make sure your landline services continue to work. Your phone company will inform you ahead of the migration, but preparing now can make the transition smoother for you.

If you already have broadband, the switchover could be as simple as unplugging your phone line from the wall-mounted socket and plugging it into the back of your broadband router. If you don’t have access to broadband, you don’t need to worry. Phone companies are working on solutions to keep all customers connected and will be in touch.

Vulnerable people

Vulnerable customers, like telecare users, should inform their phone company about their needs and check if their equipment is “digital-ready.” Telecommunication operators are working with local authorities and telecare providers to assist vulnerable customers. We will help encourage those relying on landlines to contact their phone company and social care provider to make sure the transition is smooth for them.

What if there’s a power cut?

For many, particularly those with additional needs, the landline is a lifeline. BT is working to ensure everyone stays connected. Customers with additional needs, such as health pendants or without a mobile signal, can request free additional support.

Watch this short video for more information.

Information events

Supporting Communities Digital Team is on the road this summer and autumn to tell communities why the change is happening and what it means for you. You don’t have to pre-book, just turn up!

See our events listings to find one happening at a library near you!

More UK-wide events are listed on BT’s website here: