What is Tenant Participation?       

SC Staff at our Tenant Participation Conference

Supporting Communities sees tenant participation as essential to a social housing organisation's work. This means that all tenants have a range of opportunities to have a say about how their housing services are delivered. It is a two-way process, where landlords value the engagement and recognise it as a vital component to improving their business.

There are several levels of Tenant Participation, ranging from operational to strategic. These are broadly represented as information, consultation, involvement, and partnership. The engagement at each level will depend on the tenant’s capacity and availability. It is necessary to stress that all levels of engagement are equally important in the effective delivery of services.

Approaches to Tenant Participation

Finding the right approach is key. One size does not fit all. So, how do you know what approaches to use? Ask your tenants!  

Traditional meeting methods are not always the most suitable for various reasons. Some tenants may be happy to complete surveys and provide feedback on literature from the comfort of their own homes, while others may want to scrutinise services or, indeed, sit on your Board.

Whatever approaches are offered, they must be supported by appropriate training for staff, board members, and tenants. Tenants need to know that their participation is valued, and the key to demonstrating this is ensuring the lines of communication are robust. If a tenant has provided feedback, the landlord must respond in a format that tenants have had a role in determining.

Guidance and Support

As the Independent Tenant Organisation for Northern Ireland, we have developed guidance notes in accordance with the Department of Communities’ Tenant Participation Strategy for NI 2015-2020. These guidelines are designed to support social housing providers in meeting these requirements.

See Also