Supporting Communities and TPAS Scotland: Working together to raise standards in Tenant Participation

Supporting Communities and TPAS Scotland: Working together to raise standards in Tenant Participation

Lesley Baird, the Chief Executive of TPAS Scotland, is working closely with Supporting Communities to bring Tenant Participation Standards and Accreditation to housing providers in Northern Ireland. Working together, we have adapted the TPAS accreditation model for Northern Ireland have begun rolling it out here! We asked Lesley to tell housing associations a bit more about what accreditation means and how it can help raise our standards province-wide.

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It’s time for a Strong Voice for Private Renters in Northern Ireland

It’s time for a Strong Voice for Private Renters in Northern Ireland

In contrast to the social housing sector, tenant participation in the private rented sector in Northern Ireland is still in its infancy. Read about Renter’s Voice, a project from Housing Rights, funded by Nationwide Foundation, which aims to develop a culture of tenant participation and a strong voice for private renters.

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Tenant Participation: Show your tenants what's in it for them!

Tenant Participation: Show your tenants what's in it for them!

We know that housing providers benefit tremendously from involving tenants in their decision-making processes. But what’s in for tenants? Aidan Kearney, Senior Training Officer at Supporting Communities, talks about the many ways he has seen tenants benefit from getting involved in ‘Tenant Participation’ in this month’s SC Blog post.

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