New Tenant Participation Standards Launched for NI Social Landlords
/Lorraine Cambell lays out an ambitous new strategic plan for Supporting Communities.
Speaking at an event celebrating the charity’s 40th Anniversary, Lorraine Campbell, the chair of Supporting Communities, announced the launch of a new Tenant Participation Standards accreditation for social housing providers in Northern Ireland.
“We take very seriously our role as the appointed Independent Tenant Organisation and feel we can offer much more”, she said. “Like our sister organisations, TPAS England, Scotland and Cymru, we are delighted to introduce this robust, structured and independent assessment in Northern Ireland. The accreditation is a method for social landlords to review their Tenant Participation Strategy, carry out a health check, and ultimately improve the ways to engage with their tenants and residents.”
Appointed in 2017 by the Department for Communities in the role of Independent Tenant Organisation, Supporting Communities has worked to raise the standard of tenant engagement in Northern Ireland. 16 out of the 20 Housing Associations in Northern Ireland are now members with access to our expert support and advice around tenant engagement strategies, tenant panels, training for staff and tenants, and a peer support network for participation practitioners.
Staff members Sheenagh McNally and Siobhan ONeill with new SC Board member, Anthony Kerr of Newington Housing Association.
“Supporting Communities believes the fundamental relationship between a social landlord and their tenant is not just that of provider and consumer; they are partners in building communities and making great places to live”, said Sheenagh McNally, Head of Corporate Development.
“Engaging in a meaningful two-way process is to everyone's benefit. Our new accreditation scheme will help raise the overall standard of tenant engagement in Northern Ireland which is good news for us all.”
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The Tenant Participation Standards are an assessment framework designed to provide social landlords with an objective measurement of their Tenant Participation activities through three standardised levels of accreditation.
Learn more about the new Tenant Participation Standards here.