Expressions of Interest for 2023-25

The Irish Football Association (Irish FA) and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) Multi-Sports Grassroots Facilities Investment Fund aims to allow local grassroots football clubs in Northern Ireland (NI) to improve and upgrade facilities to create a better grassroots football infrastructure foundation. 

Investment in creating the best possible multi-sports and grassroots football facilities enables young people to have the opportunity to reach their full potential in football, as well as providing the local community with access to facilities where they can participate in other sports and become healthy and active. 

The UK Government has confirmed the allocation of a £230 million uplift to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland for investment in football facilities across the UK. Read more on this here.

DCMS has committed to supporting grassroots football facility development in Northern Ireland up to March 2025. Phase 3 of the investment covers the financial year, April 2023 to March 2024 with Phase 4 covering April 2024 to March 2025. 

Two million pounds of capital funding has been secured for 2023/24, with a further £3.59 million of capital funding to be delivered in 2024/25.  Projects to be supported will be selected for their ability to deliver improved facilities in deprived areas, support multi-sport use and increase participation among currently underrepresented groups, including women, girls and those with a disability. 

The Irish FA / DCMS Multi-Sport Grassroots Facilities Investment Fund 2023-25 will be directed towards larger capital projects primarily focusing on the installation and improvement of natural grass or certified artificial grass pitches (AGP).  Funding will support and be directed towards the installation of new or replacement natural grass surfaces, new or replacement artificial grass surfaces or new multi-use games areas (MUGA).

Associated pitch infrastructure will be considered for funding in addition to the pitch installation e.g. changing rooms, floodlighting, fencing etc.

In order to understand the number, type and scale of projects which may come forward over the next two financial years, we are running an Expression of Interest (EOI) process. The EOI will gather crucial information on proposed projects at early stages of their development, identifying future investment possibilities.  It is anticipated that applications for funding will be opened in February / March 2023. 

EOIs will be open for over two weeks from Wednesday 18 January 2023 and will close at 12 noon on Friday 3 February 2023.   The EOI can be accessed via the link below.

A full list of the questions on the Expression of Interest form can be found in the PDF download below.


Irish FA/ DCMS Grassroots Facilities Investment Fund...

Financial Assistance 2023-2024

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council invites applications for financial assistance towards the programmes areas outlined below:

Scheme details

Call 1 - Financial Assistance 2023-2024

Open to Community Voluntary Sector (ALL)

Open to Community Voluntary Sector (ALL) and Business

Open to Community Associations Only 

Applicants must meet the definition of a community association given in the guidance notes, documentation will be required as evidence.

Open to Community Associations Managing a Community Facility 

Applicants must meet the definitions of a Community Association and community facility given in the guidance notes, documentation will be required as evidence.

Closing Date for applications is Tuesday 17 January 2023 at 12pm for all themes except Community Capital for Community Facilities which closes on Tuesday 14 February 2023.

For more information and to apply, please visit Grant Manager (

Community Development & Festivals Grants

The Community Development and Festivals Grant Aid Programme provides financial support for groups in the Antrim and Newtownabbey District Council area which have Community Development as a primary objective that improves the lives of local people. Projects must also develop a strong, healthy and vibrant community whilst encouraging maximum participation in community life by all residents.

Scheme details

This is a new three-year Community Development Grant Aid Programme (2023-2026) which will allow interested community/voluntary/charitable organisations to apply for grant aid for community facilities and programmes/activities to cover a three-year period (subject to availability of funding), with the exception of the Small Grant & Technical Assistance Grant which will continue to be available all year round on a rolling basis.

The aim of the Community Development Grant Aid Programme is to provide financial support for projects which have Community Development as a primary objective that improve the lives of local people. Projects must develop a strong, healthy and vibrant community whilst encouraging maximum participation in community life by all residents.

What is a Community Development Project?

Organisations applying to this fund must have community development as a primary objective of their application. A ‘project’ is a series of activities with a common theme delivered within a defined start and end date.  There should be a clear purpose to the activity and it should be based on sound community need.  The activity should promote participation, involvement, progression and create a sense of community ownership and pride contributing in a positive way to the social well being of the community.

What is a Festival?

A community ‘festival’ is defined as a series of events with a common theme and delivered within a defined time period. It is developed from within a community and should celebrate and positively promote what the community represents. Community festivals are about participation, involvement, inclusion and the creation of a sense of identity, and are important in contributing to the social well-being of a community.

Community Development Grant Aid - two options available are:

1) Community Programmes and Activities Grant (up to £5,000 available per year for a three-year period, £15,000 max. in total for the three-year period) – which will cover what was previously community outreach and involvement and summer scheme and will also cover insurance. Summer Programmes are limited to £3,000 per year - £2,000 for Programme & £1,000 for Insurance. 

2) Community Facilities and Programmes Grant (up to £10,000 available per year for a three-year period, up to £5000/year for facilities/ premises and up to £5,000/year for Programmes - £30,000 max. in total for the three-year period) – which will cover what would have been premises, community outreach and involvement, summer scheme and insurance.

Community Festivals Fund Grant Aid

Maximum amount available per year is £5,000 but up to £10,000 per year for events attracting more than 5,000 people. The maximum available for a three year period is either £15,000 if less than 5,000 attendees or £30,000 if more than 5,000 attendees.

Small Grant

Rolling programme, one grant per year for seedling activity and/or insurance up to £1,000.

Large Grant

Rolling programme, one grant per year for techincal assistance up to £10,000

For more information and to apply please visit Grant Manager (

Grand Choice 2022

What is Grand Choice?

So, what is Participatory Budgeting all about?

Grand Choice is a Participatory Budgeting initiative which means that local people get to decide how public funds are used to address needs in their area. Community Planning Partners have pooled their resources to fund community projects.

Local people with a valid email address and Lisburn South postcode can apply for up to £1,000 for a project they think will benefit their area of Lisburn North- and best of all, it is the local residents who decide which projects should go ahead!

Your project should take place between  and must be within Lisburn North District Electoral Area. This includes Derriaghy, Harmony Hill, Hilden, Lambeg, Magheralave, Wallace Park.

How will my personal information be used?

Stage 1.  Application Form 

Generating Ideas and Apply Stage – where groups complete a short application form outlining their project idea.

If you decide to apply for funding and use your personal contact details in the Stage 1 application form. This information will be stored in a safe place and used to contact you about the application. Your full name will not be used in publicity material and contact details will not be shared.

If you are under 18 and you decide to add your personal contact details to the form you must ask a parent/ guardian/ carer to complete the online consent.  It must be submitted by 22nd January 2023.

When you submit your entry, we will check if it meets with our themes – we might give you a call for some further information.

We aim to let groups know if they’ve been shortlisted by Thursday 26th January or as soon as possible thereafter.

The shortlisted projects will be required to exhibit their proposal at a Community Decision Event on 18th February 2023.

Stage 2. Community Decision Event

At the Community Decision Event in February you will tell the voters what you plan to do and what you hope to achieve as they visit your stand. All you need to do is tell them some information about what you do, what the project is about and how this will be good for the Lisburn North area. You can do this by using pictures, posters and/or display boards etc.

Your views, ideas and proposal may appear in reports and press releases once that information is made public.

Voting Process

The people attending the Community Decision Event will vote on which projects should be funded. They will be required to vote for 10 projects.

Guidance notes:
Who can apply? - eligibility

You don’t have to be an existing group with your own constitution to apply. You just need a minimum of three people who have an idea for a project and a constituted group to sponsor your entry. Groups with a constitution are also welcome to apply.

You must be based within the Lisburn South area.

Programme criteria

Successful projects have to be delivered between February and May 2023 and you will also be required to attend a community celebration event.  

What can we apply for?

You can apply for up to £1,000 for a local project.

Key themes

Your project must demonstrate how it relates to one or more of the Take 5 Ways To Wellbeing themes:

  • Connect – with the people around you and keep in touch with each other

  • Be Active – to help us feel good both physically and mentally

  • Take Notice – to ensure the community is safe 

  • Keep Learning – new things that give us a sense of achievement, enjoyment and increased confidence

  • Give – doing something that gives back to our community and help each other

What we will fund

You can apply for up to £1,000 to pay for things such as online activities, events, tutors, venue hire, transport for trips, workshops, performers, specialist facilitator, funding towards marketing campaigns to raise awareness of specific issues identified by the community, equipment for projects e.g. ipads, litter picks, safety equipment, sports kits, outdoor gym equipment and other innovative ideas events.

Application process

Before applying, please check that:

  • your organisation is eligible to apply;

  • your application meets the priorities of this fund;

  • you have completed every question on your Application Form;

  • you can provide all the information we ask for as part of the application process.

Grand Choice Stage 1:

Generating Ideas and Apply Stage – where groups can complete a short application form outlining their project idea.

Once your initial application is received, we will:

  • Perform an Eligibility Check on your application and then assess it against the key themes of the grant, as highlighted in the PROGRAMME CRITERIA section above;

  • Contact you with questions should we need to, so please keep a copy of your Application Form for your reference;

  • Not assess your application if it is incomplete.

If your initial application is successful, we will:

  • Contact you about Stage 2 of the process

  • At this stage successful groups will be asked to attend the February Community Decision Event to showcase their project.

How does the voting work?

  • Voting will take place at the Community Decision Event.

  • Voting will be by electoral area only.

  • Voters attending on the day will be asked to vote for 10 projects.

  • The projects with the most public votes will be awarded up to £1,000 to make their initiative happen!

  • When voting closes, results will be announced shortly after the Community Decision Event.

If your project is selected through the public vote, we will:

  • Send you a Conditional Offer and our Terms & Conditions of Grant by email for your organisation to sign and return to the council;

  • Clearly indicate the eligible expenditure for the funding offered.

  • Request the grant to be acknowledged through the inclusion of the official Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council’s logo on all related promotional material associated with the project and that an Elected Member or Council Officer from Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, is invited to the event/activity to which the grant is awarded. 

  • Request the compulsory completion of an Event Notification Form (only where the event is outdoors and requires members of the community to gather together).  This will be assessed by the Council’s Safety Advisory Group (SAG) to ensure compliance with regulations, the impact of which may impact on your proposal.

Once we have received your signed Terms and Conditions we will:

  • Make payment to your group’s bank account, via the Bankers Automated Clearance System (BACS).

If your application is unsuccessful, we will:

  • Contact you by email informing you of the reasons why your application has not been successful, for which there is no right of Appeal.

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council request successful applicants submit relevant promotional material of their events to share on their social media platforms in line with the Grand Choice programme.

To apply please visit Grand Choice in Lisburn North (

Spring Forward Events Grant Aid Programme


Opening date for applications 21 December 2022.

Closing date for applications 16th January 2023 at 5pm.

Are you a member of a business or organisation looking for financial support for and event taking place between January and March 2023? Look no further!

Introducing the Spring Forward Events Grant Aid Programme, a funding opportunity designed to support and stimulate both the business and wider community through events. Whether you're planning a music festival, or a community fair, we want to help make your event a success.

The grant aid programme is open to community organisations, businesses organisations, charities, social enterprises, and religious groups.  We welcome applications from events of all sizes and purposes, as long as they are open to the public and benefit the business community in some way.

We understand the importance of events in driving business growth and community development, and we want to help businesses and communities thrive by providing financial support for their events. The grant aid programme is designed to cover a range of event-related expenses, including venue rental, marketing and advertising, animation, Live Music, hire of third party services i.e. first aid, event management company etc.

To apply for a grant, simply fill out the attached application form and provide a detailed description of your event, including your budget and how the grant funds will be used. Our team will review all applications and award grants based on the merit of the event and its potential impact on the business and wider community.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to bring your community together and make a difference. Apply for a grant today and let us help you make your event a success!

Download Documents below: 

Application Form

Guidance Notes

Scoring Matrix

For any queries on the above, please email Catherine Collins, Business Officer on  email

2023/24 Central Good Relations Fund now open for online applications

The 2023/24 Central Good Relations Fund (CGRF) is now open for groups who wish to apply online for a project funding grant (for projects over £1,500).

Applications must be submitted online by:

Thursday 12 January 2023 at 6:00pm

To access the online application portal, you must first register your organisation. However, if you have previously registered, you do not need to register again. Please follow the link below and enter your username and password in the ‘Local Account Login’ section to log in to the application portal.

Already Registered? Login to apply for a 2023/24 CGRF grant

If you have not already registered, please use the link below to register your organisation. Please note, you must register your organisation by 12:00 noon on Wednesday 11 January 2023 to enable access to the online application portal. Any registrations submitted after that time will not be accepted.

Register to be able to apply for a 2023/24 CGRF grant

You should read the 2023/24 CGRF Guidance notes found here Central Good Relations Fund | The Executive Office ( which include a step-by-step guide to registration and a step-by-step guide to the application form before you start.


To register (if you have not already done so), you will need:

  • Your contact information;

  • Details of your organisation, including address and organisation type; and

  • A copy of your organisation’s constitution (WORD or PDF).

Online Application

To apply online you will need:

  • Your online sign in details (username and password);

  • Details of your proposed project including proposed activities and costings; and

  • Copies of job descriptions, if applicable (for any salary(s) being claimed).

Got questions?

Contact our team using the e-mail below:


Crighshane and Churchill Community Benefit Fund

Purpose of the Fund

This local community benefit fund was originally set up by Energia Renewables, and has now been taken over by Greencoat Capital.

The fund has been established to ensure that the Crighshane and Church Hill wind farms, whilst having obvious environmental benefits, also provide significant social and economic benefits to the local community.

Funding is available to local community projects that are planned and run for the benefit of the local population and are within 6km of the Wind Farms.

 Crighshane-Church Hill  Map

The fund will support projects addressing issues within the following theme areas:

  • Energy efficiency and sustainability

  • Social, cultural or sporting benefit for the local community

  • Educational issues with a sustainability angle

  • Environmental benefit or economic benefit

Examples of who can apply:

  • Constituted voluntary organisations and community groups

  • Faith organisations (if the funding is not to promote religion)

  • Local youth groups

Funding available:

  • Grants from £1,000 to £5,000

Closing dae is 13th January 2023. For more information and to apply, please visit Crighshane and Churchill Community Benefit Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (

Financial Assistance 2023-2024 – Call 1

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council invites applications for financial assistance towards the programmes areas outlined below:

Open to Community Voluntary Sector (ALL)

  • Community Engagement

  • Community Events & Festivals (Projects running between 01 April 2023 - 30 September 2023)

  • Community Growing 'Let's Grow NMD'

  • Irish Language

  • Local Biodiversity Enhancement

  • Minority Communities

  • Suicide Prevention & Emotional Wellbeing

Open to Community Voluntary Sector (ALL) and Business

  • Tourism Events

Open to Community Associations Only 

Applicants must meet the definition of a community association given in the guidance notes, documentation will be required as evidence.

  • Community Summer Schemes

Open to Community Associations Managing a Community Facility 

Applicants must meet the definitions of a Community Association and community facility given in the guidance notes, documentation will be required as evidence.

  • Community Capital for Community Facilities

  • Community Facilities Minor Capital Items

  • Service Level Agreements for Community Facilities 2023-2027

  • Facility Management Agreement 2023-2027 (Closed call for Council-owned facilities only)

Opening Date: Tuesday 6 December 2022 at 12pm

Closing Date: Tuesday 17 January 2023 at 12pm for all themes except Community Capital for Community Facilities which closes on Tuesday 14 February 2023

Online Funding Workshops

Online workshops providing an overview of the themes, key changes for 2023/2024 financial assistance and guidance on procurement will be available on the following dates:

  • Monday 12 December 2022, 2pm

  • Wednesday 14 December 2022, 7pm

  • Thursday 15 December 2022, 10.30am

To book a place on one of the workshops please click here. A link to the online workshop is provided automatically by Eventbrite upon registration.

Please noteAll themes are subject to funding availability. Late application submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Groups wishing to be notified of future funding opportunities should request their details to be added to the Councils database by contacting:

The Programmes Unit

T: 0330 137 4040 / 0330 137 4782


Update on the Dormant Accounts Fund Northern Ireland

From 5pm on 3 March 2023, The National Lottery Community Fund will not be accepting applications to Phase One of the Dormant Accounts Fund Northern Ireland from individual organisations. If you are thinking of submitting an application to the fund, we encourage you to get your applications in as soon as you are ready. You don’t need to wait until 3 March. 

The team will continue to assess applications and to announce the new awards that are made, but no new applications will be accepted from 5pm on 3 March.   

The National Lottery Community Fund are expecting Dormant Accounts Fund NI to remain highly competitive, so before you apply please read through the information on their website for guidance and to find out about the projects they have already funded. You can also contact their team in Northern Ireland if you would like advice. 

The National Lottery Community Fund always said that they would take a test and learn approach to the Dormant Accounts Fund NI. They have awarded just under £13m through 147 grants. This is helping organisations to develop new skills and build resilience and sustainability, creating a strong voluntary and community sector which can continue to support people and communities across Northern Ireland.  There is lots to learn about the models that are working well, and the challenges faced, that they want to share with the sector. You might like to read the first learning report on Dormant Accounts Funds NI which they published in June 2022 to find out what they’ve learned to date.

The Dormant Accounts Fund NI will continue to remain open for strategic applications. Discussions will still take place with organisations who are interested in developing strategic projects that enable collaboration and develop new and creative approaches to the sustainability of the sector.  

New legislation was passed in June 2022 expanding the UK-wide scheme to include a wider range of Dormant Assets.  This means that additional funds will be made available to Northern Ireland through the scheme in the future, as announced by Finance Minister Conor Murphy on 25 October 2022.   

The Department of Finance has confirmed its policy direction that the Dormant Assets scheme should continue to support the sector to build capacity, resilience and sustainability in the future.  

The National Lottery Community Fund will take some time to reflect on how they have delivered against policy directions and engage further with the sector to identify and address gaps. In doing this, they will continue to work with the Department of Finance and ensure that feedback from stakeholders informs the development of the next phase.   

Their National Lottery programmes will remain open to applications and you can find out more about these here


Keystone Fund

Sharply increased demand for services, economic pressures and an ongoing decline in public donations is putting many smaller charities across the UK under heavy strain.

The Keystone Fund aims to enable locally and regionally-focused charities working towards social equity to become more agile in their support for their communities. It provides a programme of unrestricted grants, networking and access to advice webinars and toolkits.

The legacy of the fund will be greater opportunities for those who need it most, along with charities that are in a stronger position to continue to support them, thereby accelerating progress in society towards a fair and sustainable future for all.

CAF intends that through these grants and access to additional resilience building resources, small charities will be better positioned now and for the future as keystones in their communities.

Grants available

  • Unrestricted grants, intended to enable charitable organisations in the UK to adapt ways of working, strengthen capacity or build resilience, according to identified needs.

  • Grants will be awarded between £5,000 and £50,000

  • Approximately 120 grants will be awarded over 2-3 rounds during 2022-23.

  • Grant funds must begin to be spent within 6 months of grant payment, but can be carried forward into the following financial year if required to enable flexibility. They should be fully spent within 24 months of grant payment.

Grants will not normally be restricted to specific projects, but we will ask you to tell us how you would like to use the funds. We intend that charitable organisations can use a grant to become more agile in their support for their communities. This might include the costs of leadership time to develop strategy or organisational capacity, or to access additional external expertise, support and advice to develop their resilience plans. Grants might also be used for staff costs, digital costs, overheads, delivery costs or equipment, according to your identified longer-term needs.

In addition, building on CAF’s advisory opportunities for charities across the UK, all grant holders will gain access to webinars, toolkits, and networking opportunities to accelerate their impact.

Priorities for the Keystone Fund

We will support eligible charitable organisations to:

  • Adapt their ways of working (eg digital capability, staff and volunteer training, operational challenges)

  • Bolster their core building blocks (eg governance, strategic planning, capacity building)

This fund is not designed to support direct service provision or capital projects.

How and when can we apply?

A two-stage online application process aims to provide the smoothest possible process for small charities to apply:

  • Stage 1: You will complete a small number of eligibility questions, and provide a short overview of your work

  • Stage 2: Selected organisations will then be invited to complete a more detailed application

We will offer a short webinar for any organisation which is invited to Stage 2 so that you can ask questions about the application process.


  • Stage 1 applications open: 9 November – 23 November

  • Webinar for further information: 2 December (recording also available)

  • Stage 2 applications open: 7 December – 9 January

  • Decisions communicated: February 2023

There will be more than one round of funding. Further rounds will be announced and are likely to take place in Spring/Summer 2023.

For more information and to apply, please visit Keystone Fund (

Community Solutions to Housing and Homelessness

The programme supports the development, testing, and delivery of new ideas and collaborations. Addressing the root causes of housing issues and homelessness, by working with a range of organisations and giving voice to individuals with lived experience across Northern Ireland.

Expressions of interest are now open! We also have a number of online information workshops so you can find out more about the programme and ask your questions. Sign up here. 

Expected outcomes:

  • New collaborations emerge amongst organisations working on housing issues and homelessness

  • New solutions to specific challenges within housing and homelessness are developed and tested, placing the insights and voices of people with lived experience at the centre

  • New opportunities to influence decision making and public services relating to housing and homelessness

  • Enhanced knowledge and skills in creative problem solving for participating individuals and organisations

For more information please visit Community Solutions to Housing and Homelessness - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (

BBC Children In Need

At BBC Children in Need, children and young people are at the heart of what we do. After the events of the last few years, we have developed a new charitable ambition and grantmaking strategy. This strategy focusses on our principles of:

  • Sharing power with children and young people

  • Acting flexibly

  • Using our voice to build awareness and empathy around issues

  • Building partnerships to bring communities and investors together

As part of this, we have made some significant changes to our grantmaking model:

  • We will continue to offer project based funding, similarly to how we have in the past.

  • We will be offering funding for core (organisational) costs as a separate grants stream.

  • In spring 2023, we will launch a funding stream for smaller, emerging organisations. This stream is aimed at organisations who may need greater support to access our funding.

Organisations will only be able to apply for one of these streams per year. Your organisation should choose which stream is most suitable to your work and we will provide more detailed information about them, over the coming months. We will also give more details about our funding priorities at a local and regional level.

Funding currently open for applications are -

National Lottery Community Fund - Living Places and Spaces

Grants are available to voluntary and community organisations in Northern Ireland for small-scale projects to create more sustainable and resilient outdoor spaces.

Fund Information

Funding body: National Lottery Community Fund - Northern Ireland

Maximum value: £ 10,000

Application deadline: 06/01/2023


The Living Places and Spaces programme is administered by the National Lottery Community Fund on behalf of the Northern Ireland Executive's Department for Infrastructure.

Objectives of Fund

The funding is intended to support environmental improvement works in local communities through projects in the following areas:

  • Greening - planting more trees and plants in an area.

  • Rewilding - allowing nature to take over an area.

  • Water management - slowing rainwater before it gets to the drainage systems.

Value Notes

The fund has a total value of £750,000.

Grants of £1,000 to £10,000 are available.

Projects may start from April 2023 onwards, and grants must be spent within one year of award.

Who Can Apply

Applications will be accepted from the following organisation types:

  • Voluntary or community organisation.

  • Registered charity.

  • Constituted group or club.

  • Not-for-profit company or community interest company

  • School.

Organisations must have at least two people on their board or committee who are not related.

For land or building projects, the applicant must either:

  • Own the land or building.

  • Have a lease that cannot be ended for five years.

  • Have a letter from the owner saying the land or building will be leased to the applicant for at least five years.

  • Have a letter from the owner or landlord that says the applicant is allowed to do work on the building.

Applicants must also consider whether they require planning permission for the work.


Northern Ireland


The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Individuals.

  • Sole traders.

  • Organisations that are aimed at generating profits primarily for private distribution.

  • Organisations based outside the UK.

  • One individual or organisation applying on behalf of another.

  • People under the age of 18.

  • Revenue costs (including salaries).

  • Projects delivered outside of Northern Ireland.

  • Items which will only benefit an individual or family, rather than the wider community.

  • Contingency costs, loans, endowments or interest.

  • Feed-in tariff payments.

  • VAT that can be reclaimed.

  • Activities that generate profits for private gain.

  • Costs that have already been incurred.

  • Work on land or buildings where the applicant does not meet requirements around land ownership and permissions.

Eligible Expenditure

Grants may be used to support the following types of projects and activities:

  • Community gardens (a single piece of land gardened collectively by a group of people).

  • Pocket parks and forests (small urban or rural forests).

  • Allotments (an area of land used for growing fruit and vegetables).

  • Rain gardens (an area which is planted so that rainwater from roofs, driveways, etc runs into it and soaks into the ground, and therefore does not cause flooding or other problems).

  • Green roofs (a roof that is partially or completely covered with vegetation).

  • Ponds and living walls or vertical gardens (vertical structures that have living plants or other greenery attached to them).

  • Installation of outdoor furniture or features to encourage usage.

  • Measures to encourage walking, wheeling and cycling.

Eligible costs include:

  • Land and building costs (ie the costs of creating pathways, installation of vertical garden structures, developing a green roof etc).

  • Equipment and materials (ie trees, plants, seeds, pots, tools, furniture etc).

All applicants should consider the environmental impact of their project and try to reuse, reduce and recycle where possible.

How To Apply

The programme will open for applications on 9 November 2022 and close to applications on 6 January 2023 (6pm).

Guidance notes and the online application form can be found on the National Lottery Community Fund website.

Contact National Lottery Community Fund for further information.

Useful links

National Lottery Community Fund - Living Places and Spaces
Living Places and Spaces | The National Lottery Community Fund (

Rural Action launch new awards

To mark their third birthday, Rural Action will celebrate with the launch of the Rural Action Awards Scheme, aimed at supporting rural communities celebrate their own achievements. 

The scheme is designed to support up to 12 volunteer led community action projects. Rural community-based organisations in Northern Ireland, or the border region of Ireland will have the opportunity to apply for and be in with a chance of securing £1000 or €1000 towards their project.

The scheme is open to constituted rural community-based organisations including charities, not for profit community groups, sporting and cultural organisations, heritage groups, Parent Teacher Associations, youth groups/clubs and social enterprises.   The scheme seeks to support practical, tangible and timebound projects where the project must complete within 12 weeks.

Teresa Canavan, Rural Action Chief Executive, explained, “As we celebrated our third birthday this year and also secured charitable status, we were keen to give something back to rural communities and hence we are delighted to announce the launch of the Rural Action Awards Scheme for 2022/2023.”

“We realise communities have faced and are facing many challenges and we hope this scheme in some small way offers encouragement to celebrate community activity. We are not prescriptive of the type of project we will support.  The only stipulation we have is that the project is volunteer led and supports wider community engagement and celebration.”

“Groups wishing to enter must complete a simple online form available at The successful groups will then be contacted and following a simple verification process, can avail of the £1000/€1000 to use for their community action project.  Full terms and conditions are available on our website.” 

Applications must be submitted by 20th of each month to be considered for funding and applications will remain valid for 3 months up to the final allocation in March 2023.

Plant trees, hedges and orchards in your community

If you’re planning to plant trees in your community this coming 2022-2023 winter season, then our grants can help.

Branching Out Fund

This Grant fund supports schools, community groups and Tree Warden Networks to plant trees, hedges and orchards. Grants can be between £200 and £2000. All projects must have strong community involvement, and ideally involve children and/or young people. We encourage you to read the application guidance fully before you complete the application form, particularly in relation to eligibility. The grant is open to the whole of the UK.

Trees and Hedgerows for Wildlife & Biodiversity Fund

Competition is high for our Branching Out Fund, but for the second year we are delighted to announce that thanks to one of our corporate supporters, Animal Friends, we have some extra funding for community tree planting projects from our new ‘Trees and Hedgerows for Wildlife and Biodiversity Fund’.  This fund places a special emphasis on wildlife and biodiversity, and is a great opportunity for planting projects that are planned with care and thought as to how our animal and insect friends might best benefit, or are situated in a location where animals are cared for, such as rescue centres or city farms, as long as they have charitable status. Grants can supports schools, community groups and Tree Warden Networks to plant trees, hedges and orchards.

Up to 15% of the amount awarded may go towards the cost of wider ecological enhancements to support wildlife and biodiversity, such as providing or enhancing nesting, feeding and roosting opportunities for birds, bees, bats and insects, and costs associated with pond creation. If you believe that your project falls into this category please complete the Branching Out application form above, and provide further details in Section 3 on how you are prioritising wildlife and biodiversity.

Closing date for applications is 4th December 2022. For more information and to apply, please visit Our grants - The Tree Council

Fermanagh Trust Grants

Fermanagh Trust currently have a number of funding oppurtunities available to organisations located within the following Wind Farm areas:

  • Callagheen Community Wind Farm Fund

    Is your community project located within 7 km of Callagheen Wind Farm (between Belleek and Garrison in Co. Fermanagh)? If Yes your group may be eligible to apply for a Callagheen Community Wind Farm Fund Grant for further information see GUIDELINES and APPLICATION FORM

    Closing date is 12 noon Tuesday 1st November 2022

  • Slieve Rushen Wind Farm Fund

    Is your community project located within 12 km of Slieve Rushen Wind Farm in South West Fermanagh? If Yes your group may be eligible to apply for a Slieve Rushen Wind Farm Fund Grant.

    For further information see GUIDELINES and APPLICATION FORM

  • Teiges Mountain Wind Farm Fund

    Is your community project located within 5km of Teiges Mountain Wind Farm? If yes your group may be eligible to apply for a grant from the Teiges Mountain Wind Farm Fund.

    For further information CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD GUIDELINES (please read the guidelines carefully prior to preparing and submitting an application)


    1.  REVENUE SMALL GRANTS PROGRAMME application form - offering grants up to £2000 towards: community activities, venue improvements / minor capital works, recurring costs for a programme.

    2.  STRATEGIC PROJECTS REVENUE GRANTS application form - (up to a maximum of £5000 pa over 1-3 year period) working with a range of organisations across the Area of Benefit, which will make a significant contribution to community life. We would particularly welcome strategic applications which will make a significant contribution to these themes; - reduction in crime / anti-social behaviour, community first aid, defibrillator initiative, hosting of cross-community events, improve access to services via a community volunteer driver scheme, environmental improvements, increasing access to the natural environment, renewable energy, improving mental health.


    Nb - an organisation can only hold one grant award from the Fund at any one time. Partnership applications which include an organisation in receipt of another grant at the time will be considered. The Fermanagh Trust will not discuss, or fund applications submitted by professional fundraising consultants on behalf of local groups. We are committed to building the capacity of grass roots organisation's and are here to help voluntary committee members directly.

    Closing date for applications is 12 noon Friday 4th November 2022

  • Cornavarrow and Slieveglass Wind Farm Fund

    Is your community organisation / project located within 5km of either the Cornvarrow or Slieveglass Wind Farm? If yes your group may be eligible to apply for a grant from the Cornavarrow and Slieveglass Wind Farm Community Benefit Funds.

    For further information CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD GUIDELINES (please read the guidelines carefully prior to preparing and submitting an application)


    Application Forms:

    1.  REVENUE SMALL GRANTS PROGRAMME application form - offering grants up to a maximum of £4000. It is envisaged the majority of grants will normally be awarded up to £2000, towards: community activities, venue improvements / minor capital works, recurring costs for a programme.

    2.  STRATEGIC PROJECTS REVENUE GRANTS application form - (up to a maximum of £5000 pa over 1-3 year period) working with a range of organisations across the Area of Benefit, which will make a significant contribution to community life. We would particularly welcome strategic applications which will make a significant contribution to these themes; - Community Education Classes; Community First Aid / Defibrillator Initiative – aimed at improving access and support; Organising / Hosting Cross-Community Events; Improve access to services, via a Community Volunteer Driver Scheme; Environmental improvements; Renewable Energy; Improving Mental Health.


    For the Cornavarrow Wind Farm only

    3.  STRATEGIC CAPITAL LEGACY PROJECTS application form - providing grant aid up to £25,000 per annum, over a five year period or equivalent amount over a longer period, which will make a significant contribution to improving the health and wellbeing of the local community. An initial outline application requesting support towards a strategic capital project will be considered. If successful in passing this first stage of the application process – the project promoter will then be invited to go to the second stage of the process. To be considered for this funding, on submission of the Full application the project promoter must have the necessary statutory permissions in place.

    Nb - an organisation can only hold one grant award from the Fund at any one time. Partnership applications which include an organisation in receipt of another grant at the time will be considered. The Fermanagh Trust will not discuss, or fund applications submitted by professional fundraising consultants on behalf of local groups. We are committed to building the capacity of grass roots organisation's and are here to help voluntary committee members directly.

    Closing date for applications is 12 noon Friday 11th November 2022.

For more information please visit Fermanagh Trust Grants

Marine Litter Capital Grants

The Marine Litter Capital Grants will support organisations and groups to purchase items to:

  • Prevent litter and plastic pollution from entering the marine environment

  • Enhance the environmental management of a local area to reduce marine litter

  • Improve the health and wellbeing of communities and marine biodiversity recovery by helping to improve and/or maintain the quality of public open spaces

  • Improve the quality of their local environment by changing behaviour through creative concepts to reduce the incidence of littering.

Guidance and support

Please read the guidance notes before you complete your application.

Recipients of Marine Litter grants in Round 1 of funding in 2022 are not eligible to apply to Round 2.

To be eligible:

  • Your organisation is likely to be responsible for managing and/or owning free to access public open space, or if not, will have a clearly defined role in managing the local environmental quality of such space and this will be formally agreed with the land owners

  • Your project must be located on free to access public open space or, for creative concept ideas, must show how it is applicable to free to access public open space

  • You must clearly demonstrate how the project will decrease the amount of litter and plastic entering the marine environment

  • You must clearly demonstrate commitment and the ability to provide for the ongoing management of any physical assets (eg regular and timely emptying of bins) purchased as part of the project

  • Funding must only be used for the purchase and installation of eligible capital items

  • Schools must demonstrate how they will use any assets purchased in an educational context.

Grants are available across the whole of Northern Ireland and are not restricted to coastal areas. However, the funding is specifically targeted at preventing marine litter. Therefore, applications must be able to demonstrate clearly how a project will contribute to reducing litter and plastics entering our seas. In this way, projects will help ensure good environmental status of our coastal and marine environments in relation to litter. Ultimately, this will ensure that the properties and quantities of marine litter do not cause harm to the coastal and marine environment.

Need inspiration or help to complete your application? Book a 121 Q&A session to speak with a member of the team to discuss your project. Book here Marine Litter Q&A session

For more information please visit Marine Litter Capital Grants delivered by Live Here Love Here

Main themed grants

The main aim of the Small Grants Programme is to improve road safety at a local level.

The programme has been designed after reviewing our first four years of funding and listening to the views of stakeholders. This told us that there was a need for funding for smaller, local projects with a practical focus.

We are looking for measurable interventions that link to local priorities and show a proposed link to reducing casualties either directly or through clear interim measures.

We expect the projects funded by The Road Safety Trust to focus on engineering, infrastructure and technological measures, while recognising the contribution of education and enforcement to these measures.

The main objective of any project should always be to help protect vulnerable road users. Funding is available for a maximum of three years.

Eligible projects might include evidence reviews, trials, roll-outs, evaluations and support for the profession through guidance or other resources.

It is essential to download the ‘Fitness to Drive’ Grant Guidance in order to apply for our Main Theme Grant round open until 19 October 2022.

Organisations, public and professional associations, registered charities and university departments in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland may apply for grants.

We offer funding towards projects that meet our grant criteria. Grants are available for up to two or three years depending on the programme, and these can range from £10,000 up to £300,000.

For more information and to apply, please visit Our Grant Themes — Road Safety Trust

Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership Programme

The Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership (BCPP) Programme is led by CDHN and funded by the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB), with strategic direction provided by a multi-agency Steering Group. BCPP supports communities and community pharmacists to work in partnership to address locally defined needs so that people make connections, listen to and understand each other better and work together to address the social determinants of health and health inequalities.

We recognise that health is impacted by much more than the everyday lifestyle decisions that we make, important as they are. Research shows that social isolation can be as damaging for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. With this in mind, our projects aim to address these wider issues and tackle the root causes of poor health. These vary greatly for different groups of people and may include mental health issues, housing issues, low educational attainment, poverty or debt. Group work and relationship building is at the core of all our projects. By sharing our assets, our lived experiences and supporting each other we can achieve great things.

For information on the Programme or for some support with your application, please contact a member of the BCPP team on 028 3026 4606 or visit Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership Programme | Community Development and Health Network (

Closing dates - Level 2 - 17/11/22

£250,000 in grant funding available from The Prince’s Countryside Fund

The Prince’s Countryside Fund (PCF) is inviting applications for grants of up to £25,000 from community projects across the UK, with up to £250,000 available.

The PCF is interested in projects that will make a difference in rural communities across the UK and clearly demonstrate the need within the community.  Applications from Wales and Northern Ireland are particularly encouraged, but communities from across the UK are eligible to apply.

If you have an idea for a project in your community, you can discuss this with the team by completing the form on the website to arrange a phone call. It is also advised that you read through the guidance, FAQ and ‘Grants top tips’ which provide essential information and assistance with the application process:

Applications for grants close on 11th October 2022 at midday.