Community Development & Festivals Grants

The Community Development and Festivals Grant Aid Programme provides financial support for groups in the Antrim and Newtownabbey District Council area which have Community Development as a primary objective that improves the lives of local people. Projects must also develop a strong, healthy and vibrant community whilst encouraging maximum participation in community life by all residents.

Scheme details

This is a new three-year Community Development Grant Aid Programme (2023-2026) which will allow interested community/voluntary/charitable organisations to apply for grant aid for community facilities and programmes/activities to cover a three-year period (subject to availability of funding), with the exception of the Small Grant & Technical Assistance Grant which will continue to be available all year round on a rolling basis.

The aim of the Community Development Grant Aid Programme is to provide financial support for projects which have Community Development as a primary objective that improve the lives of local people. Projects must develop a strong, healthy and vibrant community whilst encouraging maximum participation in community life by all residents.

What is a Community Development Project?

Organisations applying to this fund must have community development as a primary objective of their application. A ‘project’ is a series of activities with a common theme delivered within a defined start and end date.  There should be a clear purpose to the activity and it should be based on sound community need.  The activity should promote participation, involvement, progression and create a sense of community ownership and pride contributing in a positive way to the social well being of the community.

What is a Festival?

A community ‘festival’ is defined as a series of events with a common theme and delivered within a defined time period. It is developed from within a community and should celebrate and positively promote what the community represents. Community festivals are about participation, involvement, inclusion and the creation of a sense of identity, and are important in contributing to the social well-being of a community.

Community Development Grant Aid - two options available are:

1) Community Programmes and Activities Grant (up to £5,000 available per year for a three-year period, £15,000 max. in total for the three-year period) – which will cover what was previously community outreach and involvement and summer scheme and will also cover insurance. Summer Programmes are limited to £3,000 per year - £2,000 for Programme & £1,000 for Insurance. 

2) Community Facilities and Programmes Grant (up to £10,000 available per year for a three-year period, up to £5000/year for facilities/ premises and up to £5,000/year for Programmes - £30,000 max. in total for the three-year period) – which will cover what would have been premises, community outreach and involvement, summer scheme and insurance.

Community Festivals Fund Grant Aid

Maximum amount available per year is £5,000 but up to £10,000 per year for events attracting more than 5,000 people. The maximum available for a three year period is either £15,000 if less than 5,000 attendees or £30,000 if more than 5,000 attendees.

Small Grant

Rolling programme, one grant per year for seedling activity and/or insurance up to £1,000.

Large Grant

Rolling programme, one grant per year for techincal assistance up to £10,000

For more information and to apply please visit Grant Manager (