Planned Interventions Launch 2024

PIP is funded by the Executive Office (TEO) and administered by the Education Authority(EA). It is a wider commitment of the NI Executive’s Community Relations Strategy, Together: Building a United Community (T:BUC).

The Programme provides funding for community and voluntary groups of up to £6,000 to engage up 25 young people aged 9-25 in positive activities and divert them away from anti-social or risk-taking behaviour. Groups may submit up to three applications, though if successful will only be awarded funding for a maximum of three projects. All awards are dependent on the availability of funding from approved budgets.

Previously referred to as a ‘summer diversionary’ programme, the programme has evolved. Key points to note are:

  • Activity is not confined to just the summer period. Groups can deliver projects from June until November, to support interventions covering the Halloween period of 2024.

  • Whilst residential activities and trips can be funded, projects can be delivered locally.

  • One aim is to improve attitudes of participants towards people in other communities, though cross community engagement is not required under this programme.

  • Activities must be delivered at interfaces or engage young people who could potentially become involved in risk taking behaviour at or near interfaces. However ‘interfaces’ does not just mean physical peace walls and can be anywhere where there is potential for inter or intra community tensions as a result of this risk taking behaviour.

  • EA registration is not required though encouraged. Groups will need to register a user account with EA online applications portal to apply.


Projects may include activity that:

  • enables young people to become aware of their place within the community and look at how they interact with their wider community.

  • brings young people into contact with others within their community such as older people, or people from different ethnic or religious backgrounds.

  • enables young people to ‘give back’ to their community through social action such as organising events for others, or a community ‘clean up’.

  • Raises awareness of the impact of anti-social and risk taking behaviour.

  • includes and involves young people in developing positive activity around cultural or commemorative events.

  • supports young people to become positive role models for other young people in their community.


Projects can also include additional activities/workshops to meet your own needs e.g.:

  • Mental Health awareness

  • First Aid

  • OCN qualifications

  • Leadership programmes

  • And most importantly fun activities.


Delivery options can include elements such as team building, residentials, workshops, community events or educational visits. Funding can support transport, staffing, facilitation, equipment, materials, venue hire and more.

For further information on this programme:

There will be applications workshops delivered both in person and online for further guidance on the applications process. Attendance at these workshops is encouraged. Further details will be posted on Education Authority and TEO websites as well as social media accounts for TEO, EA Youth Services and T:BUC Camps. Dates for the workshops are provided below. Please register your attendance here:

  • Thursday14th March 4-6pm - Parkhall Youth Centre, Steeple Road, Antrim, BT411AF

  • Tuesday19th March 3-5pm - Online Register attendance at

  • Thursday 21st March 5-7pm - Finaghy YC, 59-73 Finaghy Rd, South Belfast, BT100BY

  • Tuesday 26th March 10am-12pm - Online Register attendance at

  • Thursday 28th March 3-5pm - Waterside Shared Village (Former Clondermott High School), Irish Street, Waterside, Co Londonderry, BT47 2DD

 For more information, please contact