Changing of the Guard! Supporting Communities has a new Chair
/On 7 December 2023, Supporting Communities held its AGM at the Girdwood Community Hub in Belfast. The board and staff met to conduct the organisation’s year-end business and to make important changes to the board’s membership.
Lorraine Campbell and Jim Whitten
There were four members who stood down as their maximum nine-year terms came to an end. Lorraine Campbell, our long-standing Chair, expressed her gratitude for their service in her remarks.
“We are particularly sad to say goodbye to four stalwart members of the board:
Jim Whitten, who chaired the Finance Audit & Risk Committee and brought much valued financial expertise.
Lorraine Campbell and Siobhan Mullan
Siobhan Mullan, who chaired the Governance, Remuneration and Disciplinary Committee, brought her experience in policy management and promoted the notion of a policy framework that is now up to industry standards.
Basil Davidson, who opened the doors for us into the world of digital inclusion, which is now a key component of our service and partnership with the Department of Finance.
Lorraine Presents Basil Davidson with a Memento of Supporting Communities
And Linda Watson, our Vice Chair, who is frankly the personification of what Supporting Communities is all about. She brings her lived experience as a tenant and as a community worker to enrich our debates and keep us grounded.”
Linda Watson Receives her Plaque from Colm McDaid
These four board members have seen our organisation through many changes making us stronger and ready to face the future.
Colm McDaid, Chief Executive, remarked that nine years ago when he reached out to the four retiring members to join the Supporting Communities board, none of them could have foreseen that commitment would be for nearly a decade of their lives!
After concluding the AGM, in the first business of the new board, Lorraine Campbell, the chairperson who has led us through so much over the past eight years, passed the torch to a new leader.
We are thrilled to announce that Dave Maher has been elected as the new chair for Supporting Communities.
Dave is a tenant with Habinteg Housing Association and a member of the Housing Policy Panel. He is passionate about empowering tenants to improve the social housing system.
In a recent interview, Dave said he is excited to join the board of Supporting Communities and is keen to learn more about housing issues and solutions from further afield. Now that he is retired, he has the time and energy to devote to making an impact where he can.
He says, “Getting involved with the Housing Policy Panel and Supporting Communities has been a very steep learning curve for me, but I have enjoyed every moment of the process. I could never have foreseen the change of direction my life would take, but in the time that I have left, I would like to do something positive with my life. I hope to bring an enquiring mind and my lived experience to benefit the board of Supporting Communities.”
Colm McDaid congratulated Dave on his appointment and pledged the support of the staff as he commences the important role of our Chair.
Incoming Chair Dave Maher with CEO Colm McDaid
Dave told us, “I am truly honoured to accept the role of Chair of Supporting Communities. As a tenant, I hope I can bring a different perspective to the position, and I would like to acknowledge the progressive policies of Supporting Communities in appointing a tenant to such a significant role.
I recognise the challenges ahead and will do my utmost to uphold the standards set by the incumbent Chair, Lorraine Campbell. I would also like to thank Lorraine for her advice and support in the transition process. I really hope I can make a meaningful difference in my new position.”