Funding Available for Historic Building Repairs in Northern Ireland

Owners of historic, listed buildings in Northern Ireland can access financial support to carry out essential repair work, with a focus on keeping buildings watertight. This funding is part of the Department for Communities' Historic Environment Fund initiative, aimed at preserving architectural heritage.

The Repair Stream of the Historic Environment Fund offers up to £8,000 per property, and up to £15,000 for thatched buildings, for vital roof and window repairs in the 2025/26 financial year. The aim is to spread the available support widely and to help owners tackle the impact of more extreme weather resulting from climate change.

Eligible works include repairs to slated roofs, leadwork, chimney repairs, thatch roofs and windows. Some professional fees may also be covered, but the programme does not support alterations, improvements or work on unlisted historic buildings. Churches are also excluded from funding.

The deadline for applications is 27 November 2024 (17:00 GMT).

For more information, please visit Historic Environment Fund Repair stream | Department for Communities (