Policing & Community Safety Partnership Call for Applications

The funding call opens on Thursday 6 July 2023 and will close at 5pm on Thursday 27 July 2023. Funding covers the financial year 2023 / 2024, 1 August 2023 to 29 February 2024.

Fermanagh and Omagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership aims to create safer, shared communities. To help achieve this the Fermanagh and Omagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) has funding available to assist with the delivery of projects that respond to community needs and emerging trends. The funding will focus on projects which address an identified community safety need AND/OR build community confidence in policing. The PCSP invites organisations to submit a proposal for funding to deliver activity in the 2023-2024 financial year. By inviting the proposal, the PCSP is not making any commitment to funding the proposal wholly or in part. All project activity must take place in the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area. Prior permission must be granted from the PCSP for project activity to take place outside of the Council area. Applications will only be accepted from groups/organisations based in the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area.

The PCSP small grants programme supports organisations to address community safety issues e.g., anti-social behaviour, fear of crime, internet safety AND/OR build confidence in policing. Project activities will result in positive and measurable change in terms of community safety and levels of engagement with and community confidence in policing. Applications that are solely activity based e.g., trip to outdoor centre will not be considered. Where feasible project activity should take place within the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area.

Applicant groups must be a not for profit constituted community or voluntary group with an annual AGM. The following are eligible for funding:

  • Workshop facilitator

  • Venue hire

  • Refreshments capped at 20% of the funding award

  • Project materials

  • Transport costs

  • Diversionary activities

  • Equipment where it can be demonstrated it is integral to the project activity

Grants available in the range of £750 - £5,000.

Applications can be discussed with officers in the PCSP Team:

Carol Follis carol.follis@fermanaghomagh.com / 07712540263

Greg McMullan greg.mcmullan@fermanaghomagh.com / 07834333513

Sandra Armstrong Sandra.armstrong@fermanaghomagh.com / 07880130437

For more information, please visit Grant Manager (eformz.info)