Road Safety Trust

The main aim of the Small Grants Programme is to improve road safety at a local level.

The programme has been designed after reviewing our first four years of funding and listening to the views of stakeholders. This told us that there was a need for funding for smaller, local projects with a practical focus.

We are looking for measurable interventions that link to local priorities and show a proposed link to reducing casualties either directly or through clear interim measures.

Eligible projects

Eligible projects are pilots/trials, expanding successful trials across a new area, and/or the evaluation of interventions. Projects should have the potential for being brought to scale - with the ultimate goal of reducing deaths and injuries both locally and across the UK.

Who can apply

Local Authorities, Police Forces, Fire and Rescue Services or UK-based registered charities, legally constituted not-for-profit social enterprises or community interest companies can apply.

What’s available

The maximum project length under this grant programme is 24 months. In 2023, the minimum amount is £10,000 and the maximum is £50,000 over two years in total. All small grants projects should have other sources of funding, cash or in-kind.

In making decisions, we will take a strategic approach so that a range of different types of project are funded that have the potential to improve road safety outcomes. All projects are expected to produce a report and describe how it will be shared and promoted.

For more information and to apply, please visit Small Grants — Road Safety Trust