Applications for the Cost of Living Boost are now open

The rising cost of living is putting extra strain on individuals, communities and the causes that support them. The need is greater than ever, and funding isn’t stretching as far. Many organisations are working tirelessly to meet this challenge, but they need help to keep their doors open.

With our additional £2 million Cost of Living Boost, the Aviva Community Fund will bring people together to support those who need it most. We’ll match every individual donation up to £250*.

1. Projects need to be entered into the Financial Wellbeing category to qualify for fund matching: i.e. “Helping people take control of their wellbeing by giving them the tools to be more financially independent and ready for anything.”

2. Organisations with core missions aligned to the Financial Wellbeing funding area can also apply to cover their usual operational costs.

For more information and to apply, please visit Aviva Cost of Living Boost | Aviva Community Fund