The Carson Awards

The Carson Awards are an exciting opportunity for young people to express themselves creatively under the theme ‘What Integrated Education Means to Me’.

The Carson Awards were started by Frank and Tony Carson in 2008 and are delivered through the Integrated Education Fund (IEF). There are two categories, the Carson Bursaries which fund arts related projects by post-primary pupils, and the Carson Prize, which is open to all pupils at integrated schools.

Open to Year 11, 12, 13 and 14 students at integrated colleges and, if applicable, collaborative partners. Bursaries provide resources to carry out and complete a creative project under the theme ‘What Integrated Education Means to Me’. Bursaries are awarded up to £1,000.

Closing date for applications is 2nd December 2022. For more information and to apply, please visit Carson Awards - IEF: Integrated Education Fund