Hargreaves Foundation: Funding for Sport and Education

Charities and educational institutions can apply for grants to support those under the age of 18 years, and living with a mental health problem, physical disability or growing up in poverty through the mediums of sport and education.

Registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations, schools and further education colleges, as well as NHS Trusts can apply for grants. Although organisations from across the UK are eligible to apply, priority will be given to organisations based in and/or working in the South West of England.

Funding (there is no set minimum or maximum grant) will be awarded for activities that achieve one or more of the following objectives:

  • Enabling individuals to experience the mental and physical health benefits of participatory sport.

  • Ensuring participatory sport is accessible (accessibility includes affordability).

  • Providing sporting or educational activities that foster life skills.

  • Aiming to improve academic engagement and attainment.

  • Encouraging the development of skills and personal attributes to aid future employability.

The following types of activities are eligible:

  • One-off, time-limited (less than six months) projects or events.

  • Training for staff/volunteers.

  • Residential activities.

  • Events.

  • Purchase of specific items.

The majority of those benefiting from the project/using the items must be from the target group, which are those under the age of 18, and living with a mental health problem, physical disability, or growing up in poverty.

Applications are accepted at any time.

For more information and to apply please visit https://www.thehargreavesfoundation.org/